Arise! Shine Forth! Be a Standard for the Nations!
Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations.
Docterine and Covenants 115:5
North Council
“Beloved youth, you will have your trials and temptations through which you must pass, but there are great moments of eternity which lie ahead. You have our love and our confidence. We pray that you will be prepared for the reins of leadership. We say to you, ‘Arise and shine forth’ and be a light unto the world, a standard to others.”
~Ezra Taft Benson
West Council
The Lord will bless you as you follow His counsel and guidance given through prophets. Go forward and become the valiant men and women of Zion you were prepared to be. The Lord has a great work for each of you to do. “Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations”. He trusts you, and He calls and relies on you to stand taller and shine brighter in these challenging but wonderful days.
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf
South Council
“For nearly six thousand years, God has held you in reserve to make your appearance in the final days before the Second Coming. Every previous gospel dispensation has drifted into apostasy, but ours will not. … God has saved for the final inning some of his strongest children, who will help bear off the kingdom triumphantly. And that is where you come in, for you are the generation that must be prepared to meet your God. … Make no mistake about it—you are a marked generation. There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time as there is of us.”
~Ezra Taft Benson
If you want to give a light to others, you have to glow yourself.
~President Thomas S. Monson
Ogden LDS Institute
If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
~Docterine and Covenants 136:28
Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations.
Docterine and Covenants 115:5
North Council
“Beloved youth, you will have your trials and temptations through which you must pass, but there are great moments of eternity which lie ahead. You have our love and our confidence. We pray that you will be prepared for the reins of leadership. We say to you, ‘Arise and shine forth’ and be a light unto the world, a standard to others.”
~Ezra Taft Benson
West Council
The Lord will bless you as you follow His counsel and guidance given through prophets. Go forward and become the valiant men and women of Zion you were prepared to be. The Lord has a great work for each of you to do. “Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations”. He trusts you, and He calls and relies on you to stand taller and shine brighter in these challenging but wonderful days.
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf
South Council
“For nearly six thousand years, God has held you in reserve to make your appearance in the final days before the Second Coming. Every previous gospel dispensation has drifted into apostasy, but ours will not. … God has saved for the final inning some of his strongest children, who will help bear off the kingdom triumphantly. And that is where you come in, for you are the generation that must be prepared to meet your God. … Make no mistake about it—you are a marked generation. There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time as there is of us.”
~Ezra Taft Benson
If you want to give a light to others, you have to glow yourself.
~President Thomas S. Monson
Ogden LDS Institute
If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
~Docterine and Covenants 136:28
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